An investor can design a risky portfolio based on two stocks, A and B. The standard deviation of return on stock A is 20% while the standard deviation on stock B is 15%. The correlation coefficient between the return on A and B is 0%. The expected return on stock A is 20% while on stock B it is 10%. The proportion of the minimum variance portfolio that would be invested in stock B is __________.

An investor can design a risky portfolio based on two stocks, A and B. The standard deviation of return on stock A is 20% while the standard deviation on stock B is 15%. The correlation coefficient between the return on A and B is 0%. The expected return on stock A is 20% while on stock B it is 10%. The proportion of the minimum variance portfolio that would be invested in stock B is __________. 

A) 6%
B) 50%
C) 64%
D) 100%

Answer: C

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